Asymmetric Encryption! ExplainLikeImFive
This was initially intended to be a chapter in my eBook, TechOneTwenty.
However, I couldn't find the right spot for it in the book where it truly made sense. So instead, I’ve adapted it into a newsletter. Enjoy!
Heads up, this read won’t all fit in your inbox.
What is Asymmetric Encryption!?
Asymmetric encryption is a method of securing information using two keys: one for encrypting (called the public key) and another for decrypting (called the private key).
How does it work?
You have a friend:
You write a message:
You want to send that friend a message:
People might intercept and see your message:
You create an encryption key:
You lock your message and send it to your friend:
Your friend gets the locked message but can’t unlock it:
So you send them the key:
But wait, what about those people who want to read the message, they might steal the key and unlock the message:
Okay, so we can’t do that:
What do we do then?
You create a Two Keys and your friend does the same: A Public and A Private
You both lock up your Private Keys:
You exchange Public Keys:
You lock the message with your Friends Public Key
You send the message:
Now they use their Private key to unlock the message (The keys are mathematically linked)
You could call this a slight oversimplification, we’re ignoring the extremely complex mathematical calculations that go into creating GPG Keys.
However, are we expected to understand that when starting out? Not at all…
As I said up top, this was originally intended for my eBook - You can get it here: TechOneTwenty
Thank you for reading: Keep it secure, keep it light-hearted!
WJPearce - CyberBrew
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